Brunswick has suffered countless losses in the name of "progress." It is imperative that we preserve what historic sites remain, but it won't happen without public awareness, support, and a conservation plan for the future.

Our Mission
Dedicated to preservation, restoration, and revitalization of historic buildings, sites, and neighborhoods in the city of Brunswick, Georgia.
Historic Brunswick Foundation will increase and expand direct preservation activities at the Foundation by:
- Identifying an at-risk historic structure to acquire, stabilize and sell
- Identifying and acquiring an at-risk historic building to serve, initially, as a field school and then a house museum/foundation office
Historic Brunswick Foundation will engage in political and civic issues that affect historic preservation and development by:
- Promoting a preservation ethic throughout the community
- Networking with civic and fraternal organizations to help with fund-raising and acquiring benefactors
Historic Brunswick Foundation will provide programs focusing on historic preservation through field trips, workshops, lectures, tours and other events by:
- Educating realtors, investors and entrepreneurs on the value of locating in the historic district
- Fostering knowledge through hands-on skill-building workshops, lectures, and investment opportunities
Public Relations
Through its public relations programs, Historic Brunswick Foundation strives to raise awareness of HBF's economic impact, activities, and programs on a local, state and national level by:
- Creating strong relationships with local leaders and media
- Increasing community and membership awareness and involvement